// Florian Brüssel / fBrx

...fixing the world, one exception at a time...


…this site

This is my personal site where I keep all kinds of stuff related to IT, photography and any other thoughts.

This site has been created with Hugo - a static website engine - and atom - a highly customisable editor. The look & feel is based on the hugo-uno theme.


I’m an software architect / engineer based out of Stuttgart, Germany. I focus mainly on everything java and enterprise.

Besides my usual interest in design and performance, currently I’m deeply interested in anything related to improving the overall development performance - especially in larger teams. This spans from the usual suspects like continuous integration and delivery to thigs like container virtualization and model driven software development.

Currently I’m employed by W&W Informatik GmbH, the only IT supplier for the W&W AG. The thoughts and opinions expressed on this site are solely my own and have no relationship to my employer.